What we do

Summer Children Reading Camp

The Summer Children Reading Camp involves learning, teaching, sharing, chatting and grooming through a seven day indoor camp. It is our belief that children that read together will think together to solve common problems together. It is an annual event which is also the twin-programme of CRCP that brings together... Read more...

Children Reading Competition Programme

This project is created towards making children of school age to read again. It is an annual event which comprises of Competitions, Demonstrations, Storytelling, Lectures and Awards. It would bring over 1500 pupils and students between 5 and 15 years of age from over 200 schools under one roof, in... Read more...

Community Mobile Library Services (CMLS)

Sixth Sense Series Publications intends to provide access to books which in turn would expose the minds of our children to ideas and create high ambitions to make the world a better place to live.The Community Mobile Library Services (CMLS) is our third leg in reaching out to the children through reading and distribution of books.We want to make information mobile to the doorsteps of readers, into their communities for free. It is a book delivery system to the less privilege children and the privileged ones...Read more....


SixthSense Initiative Volunteer Vanguards (VV) is dedicated to developing, encouraging and promoting volunteerism and its tenets for the purpose of nation-building.

VV seeks to incorporate a whole range of skills that strengthens project operations of organisations by utilising the skills, experiences, talents and education of volunteers and matching them with the needs of organizations and communities...Read more...

Multi-level Children Reading Culture Chain

tSSi book networking chain concept is also known as a multi-level book reading culture game. Basically, it involves connecting One million children readers and being encouraged to motivate other prospective readers into the tSSi multi-level chain. The new recruits in the chain would purchase a book-pack to enter into the network, and build their own downline or chain...Read more....
