Summer Children Reading Camp (SCRC)
The Summer Children Reading Camp involves learning, teaching, sharing, chatting and grooming through a seven day indoor camp. It is our belief that children that read together will think together to solve common problems together. It is an annual event which is also the twin-programme of CRCP that brings together school children between the ages of 8-15 male and female to grow and interact together through reading within a safe and secured camp environment under the watchful eyes of disciplined and morally conscious handlers.
Summer Children Reading Camp (SCRC) is an initiative of Abiodun Oladimeji Lasile the coordinator of Sixth Sense Series Publications and founder of The SixthSense Initiative which is aimed at the development of human capacity, nation building and using reading as a tool for grooming children to emerge as tomorrow’s leaders capable of handling through for future challenges.
Reading is one of the greatest acts of civilisation because its takes the free raw material of the mind and builds castles of possibilities -Ben Okri
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the brain, reading increases knowledge, vocabulary expands, improved writing skills, focus and concentration. The camp creates an environment that helps to spark inspiration to read at their leisure time and explore outside their discipline and school textbooks. SCRC philosophies are:
- Children are good learners.
- Children are leaders of tomorrow.
- Habits are better formed with children.
- Readers are leaders, hence the need to groom them for tomorrow’s challenges.
Sixth Sense Series Publications is in partnership with Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) and in collaboration with United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) different educational institutions and allied companies to provide students with an opportunity to read literature and other titles from around the world in a simplified language.