Community Mobile Library Services (CMLS)

Sixth Sense Series Publications intends to provide access to books and thereby expose the minds of our children to creative ideas to make the world a better place to live. The Community Mobile Library Services (CMLS) is our third leg in reaching out to the children through reading and distribution of books. We want to make information mobile to the doorsteps of readers, into their communities for free. It is a book delivery system to the less privileged children and also the privileged ones.

The mobile library initiative will address the problem of limited libraries and community illiteracy by supporting the Sustainable Development Goal number 4, which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The CMLS operation is a vehicle stocked with books and information devices to transmit facts, knowledge to children freely with basic reading skills and library services. We have canopies and teaching aids to guide reading, writing and learning in a comfortable area. There are more details in our action plan.

The following are suggestions of good starting stock 2,000 books items; Adult fiction, Adult non-fiction, Children’s fiction, Children’s non-fiction, Picture books, Teenage, science discovery, magazines, and Adult literacy.
